
1 kg Soul fish
1 tblsp green masala (green chillie garlic mix)
1 tblsp mayonnaise
2 tsp lemon pepper
2 tsp white pepper
2 tsp black pepper
2 tblsp crushed garlic
¼ cup lemon juice
1 tsp fish spice
1 cup flour
½ to ¼ lb butter/olive oil to fry
Salt to taste or use garlic salt


Marinate Souls in the above ingredients except the flour, butter , olive oil. Take 1 cup flour mix extra spies excluding masala mayonnaise, lemon juice & crushed galic. Remove Souls from marinade Dip in flavored flour, do not leave for long in flour. Have you frying pan ready with butter and oil. When oil and butter is hot fry the Souls. Fast fry for 4/5 mins on both sides till light brown .

Butter Sauce
Do Not discard the masala mixture. Add ¼ bottle of galic sauce(steers or any choice) Lemon juice Peri Peri (optional)
Boil for a few mins and add mixed Herbs.

Serve the Souls with the sauce ….make spice rice or chips, salad of your choice


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