Paying the King
Our Shaykh, Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (Rahimahullâh) had beautifully explained that the heart is the King of the body. One can imagine the salary that has to be paid to employ a...
Our Shaykh, Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (Rahimahullâh) had beautifully explained that the heart is the King of the body. One can imagine the salary that has to be paid to employ a...
By Mufti Siraj Desai Saab (D.B), 5 June 2013 On Sunday 22 Rajab (2 June 2013) a great luminary on the firmament of Islamic Spirituality was lost to the Ummah: Aarif Billah, Hazrat Hakeem...
Islahi Majlis at Musjid ut Taqwa, Durban on April 08, 2013 Millions from around the world, who benefitted directly or indirectly, from a personality who was a brilliant sun of guidance, witnessed the setting...