Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Sahib حفظه الله says that we are instructed in the Holy Qur’ān that we break off our relationship with the Jews and Christians, etc. It starts off very mild initially,...
Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Sahib حفظه الله says that we are instructed in the Holy Qur’ān that we break off our relationship with the Jews and Christians, etc. It starts off very mild initially,...
Sometimes, I wonder how it was possible for the scholars of this Ummah to write such large works in a very short time. I mean, they had very little resources, no technology, etc. Yet,...
Question: I need help as i have been engaged in a drastic act.masturbation.its been like 5 years,i am 20 now but Alhamdulilah i have been controlling for the past 1 month,now my question is...
Upon seeing a particular scholar/Shaykh involved in a practice deemed Islamically unlawful, disliked, or inappropriate, it is a mistake to make conclusions and start thinking that the practice or act is justified – merely...
BY MAULANA KHALID DHORAT It didn’t come as a surprise to me that the Oxford Dictionary has named ‘Selfie’ as the Word of the Year: 2013. Since then, its usage has apparently increased by...
Once Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) was seated with the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum) when he said: “A man from the people of Jannah will appear before you now.” Just then a man from the Ansaar...
Audio / Downloads / Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyaas Patel Saab (D.B) / Sins of the Heart... / / Women
A home is a place where one finds peace. Allah Ta‘ala Himself declares in the Holy Quraan that He has created homes for us to acquire peace and comfort. One can only enjoy this...
To openly sin and be proud of it is the lowest level one could possibly stoop to in this regard. Some people no longer mind sinning in full view of the public and then...
Current Trends Of Society / Da'wat & Tabligh / Fulfilling the Rights of People / Sins of the Heart... / Tasawwuf / Women / Youth
From among the teachings of Allaahs Messenger (Peace and blessings be upon him) is to keep sins a secret matter. If someone commits a sinful act which is against the Commandments of Allah,...
Current Trends Of Society / Da'wat & Tabligh / Hazrat Ml Yunus Patel Sb (Rahmatullah Alaih) / Sins of the Heart... / Women / Youth
———- Forwarded message ———- From: Abdoola Ebrahim Barmania <[email protected]> In the name of Islam By Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (Rahmatullah ‘Alaih) via www.Tablighuddeen.Com There is a sickness in society which has now reached epidemic proportions....