Son’s Career
Question: Assalaamu ‘alaikum My son will be completing his matric this year insha-Allah. He is very deeni inclined, loves the musjid, listens to deeni talks and Quraanic recitation from his phone and shows no...
Question: Assalaamu ‘alaikum My son will be completing his matric this year insha-Allah. He is very deeni inclined, loves the musjid, listens to deeni talks and Quraanic recitation from his phone and shows no...
Question: Assalaamu ‘alaikum I attended the Uswatul Muslimah marriage course and had a question. Dating was discussed as well as zina, but these topics are very broad. I’m attending full time studies at… There...
Sayyiduna Jaabir Bin Abdullah Radhiyallahu Anhu narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “When night falls – or it is evening, restrain your children (from going out) as the devils spread out at that...
Imagine if we woke up every morning to find that the sins which we had perpetrated during the night were written all over our front door, advertised for the entire world to witness. Wouldn’t...
Ibnul Jowzi (rahimahullah) narrates that a pious person once mentioned: I once entered Egypt where I found a blacksmith who would extract iron from his furnace using nothing but his bare hands! He would...
Question: I miss this one girl. I can’t stay without her. What do I do? Answer: The Nafs (one’s carnal, base desires) and Shaitaan are old ‘pros’. The mind games they play have baffled,...
Imagine the excitement and anticipation of the newly-wed bride and groom! Imagine their eagerness to finally meet and get to know each other! Easy to imagine, isn’t it? – That’s because we see it...
Question: I am in high school. Soon the exams will be over and the holidays will commence. Many boys and girls are planning various wrong activities to which I am also being invited. The...
Current Trends Of Society / Our Beloved Nabi-e-Kareem SallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam / Our Beloved Sahabah (RadhiyAllahu Anhum) / Our Pious Predecessors / Virtuous Deeds / Youth
It is reported from Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalllam Said, “Oppose the non Muslims by lengthening the beards and shortening the moustaches.” Ibn Umar Radiallahu Anhu used to trim...
BY MAULANA KHALID DHORAT It didn’t come as a surprise to me that the Oxford Dictionary has named ‘Selfie’ as the Word of the Year: 2013. Since then, its usage has apparently increased by...