Category: Allah’s Greatness

Don’t ever forget Allah…

Don’t ever forget Allah…

“Allah has BILLIONS and BILLIONS of creations, yet اللَّه  never forgot me for an INSTANT. But I only have but ONE Creator, and I’ve forgotten Him countless of times. AH, what an Injustice I have...

أحسنُ الأسماء

أحسنُ الأسماء

بذكره تطمئنّ القلوبُ وتسكنُ الأرواحُ. باسمه يستقرّ اليقين. أحسنُ الأسماء وأجمل الحروف وأصدق العبارات و أثمنُ الكلمات. “هل تعلم له سَمِيًّا؟””

Amazing means of sustenance

Amazing means of sustenance

Lesson from a Blind Cat Abul Hasan Taahir ibn Ahmad ibn Baabshaadh was an Egyptian scholar of Arabic grammar. He authored many great works in the field. He earned his living by perusing and...