Benefits of Tayyib Food
Bi Ismihi Ta’ala Points taken from the ladies classes of Hadhrat Moulana Dawood Seedat saheb (daamat barakatuhum) Pure /tayyib food is much higher than just halaal food. In a Muslim takeaway situation -the...
Bi Ismihi Ta’ala Points taken from the ladies classes of Hadhrat Moulana Dawood Seedat saheb (daamat barakatuhum) Pure /tayyib food is much higher than just halaal food. In a Muslim takeaway situation -the...
Beauty & Truthfulness of Islam.. / Fulfilling the Rights of People / Marriage / / Women
Saintly Women around Siddeeq – Wife of Qari Siddeeq #4 The wife of Qari Siddeeq (rahimahullah) lived under the same roof as her mother-in-law for approximately thirty years. During this lengthy period, she displayed...
Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned: It is not in keeping with hayaa and modesty for women to write their names in their articles as is prevalent nowadays. Yes, there will...
Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) once mentioned: It is not in keeping with hayaa and modesty for women to write their names in their articles as is prevalent nowadays. Yes, there will...
Saintly Women around Siddeeq [Part 4] – Wife of Qari Siddeeq #1 The wife of Qari Siddeeq (rahimahullah) was an amazing woman. She was born in May 1931 and passed away in August 1993....
Saintly Women around Siddeeq [Part 2] – Grandmother of Qari Siddeeq The respected grandmother of Qari Siddeeq Ahmad Baandwi (rahimahullah) was a woman of extreme virtue and piety. She understood the value of time... / Beauty & Truthfulness of Islam.. / Fulfilling the Rights of People / Marriage / Women
Hazratjee Moulana Maseehullah Khan Saaheb (rahmatullahi ‘alaih) said “Most women are very good by nature. But, after all, a woman is a woman. They must say something. On such occasions I forgive her immediately....
Imagine if we woke up every morning to find that the sins which we had perpetrated during the night were written all over our front door, advertised for the entire world to witness. Wouldn’t...
Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Saab Gangohi (Rahimahullah) mentioned – I was once addressing a group of women at a certain venue. The man of the house approached me and said: “My wife wishes to pose...
Ibnul Jowzi (rahimahullah) narrates that a pious person once mentioned: I once entered Egypt where I found a blacksmith who would extract iron from his furnace using nothing but his bare hands! He would...