My business is suffering…

Home Faqihul Ummah Maktoobaat Financial Loss

Financial Loss


Friday, 19 October 2007 13:01

Summary of Letter:

Bismihi Ta’ala

Respected Mufti Saheb

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

(A person complained of his problems and especially his constant financial difficulties. He also requested to know why this happened).


Summary of Reply:

Bismihi Ta’ala

Respected Brother / Sister

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh

The most essential aspect to remember is that every person’s destiny has been pre-ordained before he was even born. Whatever has been decreed for him to receive, he will certainly receive it even if the entire creation desires that it should not reach him. Likewise, whatever has been decreed that he will not acquire, he will never receive it even if the entire creation tries to give it to him.

As for your business continuously failing and your suffering financial losses, generally one of the reasons due to which this happens is not having discharged someone’s right (such as not having paid someone his due). This is an extremely dangerous aspect. As long as that right has not been discharged it will continue to torment and harm one.

Another aspect that produces the type of consequences described in the question is that of not giving charity.



Therefore, consider carefully whether you have not fulfilled any person’s right. If someone’s right is unfulfilled, discharge it immediately. If you cannot remember any person’s due not having been paid, in your circumstances you should nevertheless still give some charity with the intention that should there be any right upon you which you cannot remember, may Allah Ta’ala absolve you of that right by means of this charity on behalf the one you are indebted to.

Furthermore, always consider the plight of the poor and needy. It is stated in a Hadith that he who is merciful upon those on earth, the Lord of the universe (Allah Ta’ala) will be merciful upon him. In the manner that you treat the creation of Allah Ta`ala, Allah Ta`ala will treat you accordingly. If you show mercy and kindness to Allah Ta`ala’s creation, mercy will be showered upon you. Therefore, divide your income into three portions. Reinvest one third into your business, spend one third upon your family and spend the remaining one third upon the poor and needy. (Malfoozat, vol 2, pg 157)


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