The Greatest Return
There are many great “returns” that people experience in their lives. The returning of a missing child, finding a very valuable lost item or a close family member returning home after spending many years overseas are some instances of a great return. These are moments of immense joy and happiness. The greatest “Return,” however, is when a sinful servant who had abandoned Allah Ta’ala and fallen into sin makes sincere taubah (which literally means “to return”) and returns to his Creator. There can never be a happier moment for such a person.
Retuning to Allah Ta’ala in sincere repentance brings down the showers of the Mercy of Allah Ta’ala. Due to his repentance, the one who was previously known in the court of Allah Ta’ala as a faasiq (sinner) earns the title of Habibullah (the beloved of Allah). His crying and sobbing while begging for forgiveness is more beloved to Allah Ta’ala than the recitation of tasbeeh of those who are busy glorifying Allah Ta’ala. Can there be a greater return?
The object of the auspicious month of Ramadhaan is to truly return to Allah Ta’ala by repenting from all sin and adopting piety. The Qur’an-al-Kareem declares: “O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed upon you, just as it was pescribed upon those before you, so that you may acquire taqwa (piety)” (S2:183). Taqwa, in simple terms, refers to giving up every sin. The one who forsakes all sin is the greatest worshipper and the most pious person, even though he may not be performing nafil (optional) Haj and Umrah every year, giving thousands in charity or standing the entire night in tahajjud salaah. Indeed, these great acts of worship should be performed as much as possible. However, the yardstick of piety is taqwa – abstaining from sin. Taqwa cannot be acquired without first making sincere taubah. It thus follows that the one who does not make taubah has to a degree def eated the purpose of Ramadhaan, even though he may have performed many other good deeds in the blessed month.
It is thus evident that in order to acquire the object of Ramadhaan, one must start with sincere taubah (repentance). One should sit in solitude and list down, or make a mental note, of all the laws of one’s beloved Master and Creator which are being disobeyed. Think: Have I performed all my Salaah, Zakaah, Qurbaani, etc? Have I taken anyone’s property wrongfully? Did I lie, backbite, slander? Do I have pride, harbour jealousy and do actions for name and fame? What about the laws of hijaab? Am I obeying my most beloved Rabb in this regard or do I disobey Him? Am I involved in any illicit relationship? Have I sinned with my eyes, ears, tongue and heart? Have I fulfilled the rights of my neighbours and relatives? Do I take intoxicants? Am I shaving or trimming my beard to less than a fist length? … After having carefully taken note of all the sins in one’s life, sincerely repent from ea ch one. Beg Allah Ta’ala’s forgiveness. For one’s taubah to be accepted, the following pre-conditions apply:
* Give up the sin immediately.
* Regret having sinned. Feel the pain in your heart, just as you would be pained if you lost a million rands.
* Resolve never to commit the sin again.
* The unfulfilled rights of Allah Ta’ala (salaah, zakaah, etc.) and the rights of people (debts, etc.) must be discharged.
Often many people stop committing various sins in Ramadhaan. Gambling comes to a hault. The T.V. is switched off. Intoxicants are given up. Lying, vulgar languages, zina and a host of other evils are forsaken. Similarly, many actions that were previously neglected are performed in Ramadhaan. Salaah is performed regularly. The Musjid is full even for Fajr Salaah. Many other good deeds are performed. It is indeed a great gift from Allah Ta’ala that one respects the month of Ramadhaan by refraining from sins and engaging in good deeds. However, the tragedy is that as soon as Ramadhaan leaves, it is as if Deen has left. The day after Eid the Musjid is crying out for those who were regularly there for the entire month. The gambling dens are once again frequented by those who were frequenting the Musjid. Numerous other evils which were given up during Ramadhaan are once again perpetrated. One of t he fundamental reasons for this speedy slide into a life of disobedience is that, while we respected Ramadhaan, we did not sincerely return to Allah Ta’ala and repent from our sins. Thus this is our need of the moment To undertake the Greatest Return.
Having repented sincerely, one should also closely link oneself to a pious personality who one feels comfortable with. Take his guidance in all aspects and one will be saved from the many hazards, Insha Allah.
Furthermore, actively encourage others to undertake the Greatest Return. While your encouragement will insha Allah benefit them, it will also greatly help you to remain steadfast.
May Allah Ta’ala grant s the ability to repent incerely, forgive us and nable us to refrain from very sin in future. Aameen.