Allâh Ta’ala states in the Qur’ân:
Successful indeed are those believers who offer their salâh with concentration. {al-Mu’minûn no. 1-2}
- One should ensure that he switches his cell phone off before entering the House of Allâh Ta’ala.
- It is a mark of great disrespect that a mu’min (believer) presents himself in the house of Allâh Iwith the sole intention of devoting himself to the ibâdah (worship) of the Sovereign of both the worlds, Allâh I, and yet he wishes to remain connected with the creation by not switching his cell phone off or by keeping it in the ‘silent’ or ‘meeting’ mode. How unfortunate!!
- Remember that Rasûlullâh r said: “The musallî (person performing Salâh) is in private dialogue with AllâhTa’ala .” What a great occasion for a person! Does it not demand from him to completely sever all other attachments and connections and be exclusively connected to his Master, Benefactor and Creator, Allâh !?
- Noise in the Masjid which is not allowed.
- Many a time, due to having musical ring tones, which are totally forbidden, music is played and heard in the Masjid whilst in salâh.
- It affects the concentration of the perpetrator himself as well as that of all others in the Masjid.
- Switch it off immediately with a single movement of one hand. In this case the Salâh will not break.
- If this is not possible, then use both hands to switch it off. However due to this excessive activity, which is contrary to salâh, the salâh will break. One needs to restart one’s salâh. This law applies to the person performing salâh individually as well as the person performing salâh behind the Imâm.
- Do not allow it to carry on ringing as this affects the concentration of the musallies.
- If a person was careless in this regard and allowed his phone to ring, he should be advised in a soft and polite tone. His mistake should not cause others to raise their voices in the Masjid and thereby violate the sanctity of the Masjid.
It is not permissible to use Masjid electricity to charge one’s cell phone. While on the one hand, people staying in the musjid are allowed to benefit from the Masjid facilities while staying in the Masjid, on the other hand it is important for them keep in mind that the Masjid and it’s facilities fall under the category of Waqf .Hence they should exercise caution and ensure that the facilities are not used over and above their basic necessities. If a compelling situation arises where one has to use the electricity for his personal use then one should contribute some money towards the Masjid as payment for utilizing the electricity.
It is not permissible to take photos of animate objects with a cellphone even if they are deleted at a later stage. Just as the development and storage of photos are not permissible, the capturing of images of animate objects is also not permissible. Therefore, a person should totally abstain from doing so, even if he has no intention of developing the images in a hard copy form.
There is no problem with having Ayaat or Hadith Shareef stored on the cell phone but it would be extremely shameful and disrespectful to then place this cell phone in one’s pocket or to place it on the floor or for that matter in any other undesirable place whilst the recitation is being played or whilst the text is on display. This would be gross disrespect to the Lofty name of Allah and his Messenger Rasûlullâh (S.A.W), thus it should be avoided at all costs. On the other hand if the cell phone is switched off or the recitations are turned off and the words/text of the Noble Qur’ân or Hadith does not appear on the screen, then there will be no problem in placing such a cell phone in ones pocket or on the floor. However, much neglect and carelessness is shown in this regard therefore greater care should be taken. If one decides to keep such material on one’s cell phone and one cannot fulfil the requisites then Qur’ânic âyât and/or Hadith should preferably not be kept on the cell phones.
It would be permissible to hold such a cell phone without Wudû provided that the screen area upon which the Âyah is displayed is not directly touched whilst the Âyah is being displayed. While the cell phone is off, it would be permissible to even touch the screen. The same principle would apply to a computer in which the entire Qur’ân is stored, that whilst Âyât of the Qur’ân are being displayed on the screen, the display area should not be directly touched without Wudû.
Cell Phones – Ever Increasing Challenges
Not very long ago, we all managed to live our day-to-day lives comfortably without a cell phone. However, today the cell phone has become part of the daily attire of people. We cannot fathom leaving the home without that small little instrument which has also become an ‘adult toy’ for some.
On the one hand there is absolutely no doubt as to the benefits and advantages of the cell phone. However, what we should not forget is that every new technological advancement brings along with it, its own unique challenges and drawbacks. Thus, whilst benefiting from the positive aspects within the limits of Sharî’ah one has to become aware and alert of the challenges and fitnahs that come with it, especially for the youth who are most prone to these type of fitnahs.
Hereunder, we list a few challenges and fitnahs that parents and educators, in particular, need to pay due attention to.
The cell phone is being used by boys and girls to ‘chat’ to one another. This many a times happens under the nose of the parents as well as in Madrasahs and schools. Some spend the entire night in their bedrooms ‘chatting’, whilst their parents and guardians perceive them to be sound asleep.
Unfortunately, many such incidents have come to the fore where the cell phone was the cause on an illicit relationship developing. Children of a young age are also becoming a prey to this. Furthermore, it is also causing a ‘break-up’ in marriages when one partner falls prey to this fitnah.
Internet Access & Porn
The internet can be accessed from almost all cell phones now-a-days. Thus, the bearer of a cell phone has access to the ‘world wide web’ in his palms. Websites that contain porn and other filthy material can also be accessed, hence making the cell phone a potentially dangerous tool in the hands of our youth.
T V & Video
With the latest technology, T V shows and the latest video releases can be viewed on the cell phone. Whats left!?
Exchanging Photos
Photographs of boys and girls are exchanged via the mms feature of the cell phone. Unfortunately, ‘zinâmade easy’!?
Musical Ring Tones
This is a very disturbing trend regarding which many people are showing total indifference to. The result is that it has become an ‘accepted’ norm in many circles to have musical ring tones. The situation is exacerbated when the cell phone rings in the Masjid with these musical ring tones.
The cell phone has become a serious form of distraction for students who are studying Dîn as well as secular studies. It is hampering the progress of many a good learner. It also distracts people from the ibâdah(worship) of Allâh I. Some leave the cell phone switched on in Salâh, hence distracting their concentration. Others prefer not to switch it off when attending Dînî lectures and other Dînî programmes, thus dividing their attention. The new ‘innovative’ and ‘stimulating’ games also devours the precious time of many. Not to speak about the jokes and not so ‘humorous’ content that is sms’ed around. The cost of these sms messages could easily feed an entire poor family.
The above is just a glimpse of the challenges and fitnahs the incorrect usage of the cell phone poses to us as Muslims.
Suggested Solutions
- The first step in adequately dealing with this challenge is ‘awareness’. There seems to be a gross unawareness regarding the threats which the incorrect usage of the cell phone poses to all in general and the youth in particular. Parents need to be more alert regarding how their children are using the cell phone. It is definitely not a good idea to give a very young child a cell phone.
- Make a point of closely monitoring our kid’s cell phones by screening the messages, call register, internet usage etc. Similarly, Ustâds and teachers need to observe their learners more carefully. Initiate a strict and firm policy with regard to usage of the cell phone at Madrasah or school which should be communicated to the parents. As parents and educators, let us remain alert and vigilant before it is too late. The present day circumstances demands a greater sense of responsibility upon parents to in rearing their flock who are very vulnerable to the ‘wolves’ of fitnah out there. No doubt ‘parenting’ is a full time ‘job’. Showing indifference to this daunting yet fruitful responsibility of nurturing our children breeds very serious consequences the results of which we are seeing today. Parents and educators need to be abreast with the ‘times’.
- Speak about the harms of the incorrect usage of the cell phone. Parents need to continuously remind their children of the grave consequences of the incorrect usage of cell phone. Repeating this discussion at home from time to time will definitely prove beneficial. Similarly ‘Ulamâ need to make this issue a subject of their Jumu’ah talks, highlighting the Shar’î perspective. Ustâds and teachers should discuss this issue by speaking to the learners on their ‘level’ regarding the harms of the incorrect usage of the cell phone. Muslim youth need to be explained that as Muslims they are not free to do as they please but rather they are bound by the tenets specified by Sharî’ah.
- Present alternative forms of permissible types of activities to our youth. Try and get them involved in activities which are more physically orientated. A great responsibility lies upon the shoulders of the Ummah at large to contemplate, reflect and come up with suitable alternatives to occupy our Muslim youth. ‘An idle mind is the devil’s workshop’. The Muslim youth need to be shown that there is much more to do than merely occupying themselves with the cell phone and internet.
- The greatest need is du’â. There is no real magic formula to repel and fend off the ever increasing challenges, we the Ummah face. However, we definitely have one weapon and that is du’â. A powerful tool indeed in seeking the help and assistance from the Creator of these circumstances and challenges. Parents need to increase in their du’âs for their children. Educators should not merely suffice with what they do in the classroom. The situation demands that we go the extra mile for these future leaders of the Ummah.
- Don’t ‘cell’ yourself! Use the cell phone within the limits of the Sharî’ah.
- Don’t allow the cell phone to imprison your lifestyle in a way that it even affects your family and social life.
- Missing one call is not as serious as missing the objective of your life.
Courtesy of Darul Uloom Azaadville (with slight editions)