Barakah- how it comes, how it goes…
In Shaikh Zulfiqaar’s live bayaan
from UK yesterday (19th.Sept,2011) , he gave tips on how to attain barakah in our lives.
A student from Jamiah summarized it :
1. Adopt taqwah, stay away from sins.
2. Do alot of dhikr of Allah because Allahs zhaat is full of dhikr.
3. Whenever u start something say bismillah, whatever it may be because in a hadith Allah says my name is full of barkah whichver action is done with my name I fill with barkah.
4. Making dua, ask everyone to make dua for u. He said – become such people that u dont have to ask for dua but people just give u hearfelt duas.
5.Khidmah of parents.
6.Tilaawat of quraan.
7. Hajj and umrah.
Then he said what decreases barkah.
1.Bad niyyah, bad thoughts about people..if u have negative thoughts u will never have barkah.
2.Disobeying Allah, more we sin less barkah.
3. If a women doesn’t observe full hijaab she’ll never have barkah in her married life and her husband wil not truly be happy with her.
Just thought I’d share that..