Project Darul Uloom Germany
Assalaamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wa barakaathuhuWith the help and will of Almighty Allah we will be establishing a madressa in Germany.
Insha Allah this will be the first maktab / madressa in Germany. The property in total is worth 1.8 – 2m euros. Alhamdulillah we have signed the contract at €430 000 . It has 27 rooms, a flat, a small masjid, and a fully equipped kitchen to cater for 200 people.
Very importantly, It has the permission to be used as such- which is usually extremely difficult to obtain and takes about 8 years. The property is situated 15 mins from hamburg.
Alhamdulilah, 3 years ago we started this small maktab renting a room of 80m2, with just a couple of students under moulana haaroon suaidy, a graduate of darul uloom zakariyya.
Initially underwent alot of difficulty in getting started.
Alhamdulillah today we have a total of 170 students- majority of whom did not know the kalima, and in fact after learning it have gone on to teach it to their parents; as well as many who have changed their names to muslim names after attending these classes. These circumstances are expected where the last madressa in Germany prior to this was destroyed in world war 2.
It is self evident that renting this small room is no longer sufficient, and neither does it belong to the maktab. We have intensely searched the market over the last 18 months in search of a suitable property.
Alhamdulillah Allah has brought this to us. The property was a former turkish girls hostel school, hence it is virtually tailor-made to our needs.
For any further information, queries or contributions, please contact:
Moulana Muhammad Yousuf Saloojee
078 000 5465
[email protected]
Moulana Muhammad Yousuf Saloojee
078 000 5465
[email protected]
Also check the following links – Islam in Germany ,