Women covering their hair at the time of Azaan
Q: Is it obligatory for a female to cover her head during the time of ‘Azaan’ when she is at home? If not then why muslim women act like this? A: Women are commanded to cover...
Q: Is it obligatory for a female to cover her head during the time of ‘Azaan’ when she is at home? If not then why muslim women act like this? A: Women are commanded to cover...
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Ml Khaleer-ur-Rahman Sb narrates a Kaarguzaarie of Ml Umar Palanpuri (Rah)
Hadhrat Luqmaan (Alayhis Salaam) was an Abyssinian slave who worked for his master in an orchard. Once his master came to the orchard and asked for a cucumber. When the cucumber was brought,...
Honourable Ulama and dear brothers, Here are 3 recordings during Allamah Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani sahib’s (damat barakatuhum) visit to England during June/July 2012. The first is a very rare 40-min long lecture in...
Hadith: “Salaams from Allah Ta`ala” Courtesy of Al Haadi, via www.Tablighuddeen.Com Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas`ood radhiyallahu anhu said: “When Allah Ta`ala intends taking the soul of a mu’min, He commands Malakul-Maut (the angel of death) thus;...
Holidays… Courtesy of Al Haadi, via Tablighuddeen.Com Your teenage son attends school. You pay his fees, buy his uniform, provide him with his text books and stationery, arrange for his transport and give him...
Respect your elders; they have done more good than you. Love your youngsters; they have sinned less than you…
By Abu Muhammad Yusuf Our children are a trust given to us by Allah. Depending on the upbringing we give them, we may nurture them to be morally good and upright persons or...
Ta’leem A Muslim home should never be void of the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala at any time. Learning, teaching and engaging in the Ibaadah (worship) of Allah Ta’ala should be an integral part of...