​Salaam – Rulings and Etiquettes 

The following are some important rulings and etiquettes pertaining to salaam:
1. It is waajib (obligatory) to reply to the salaam which is written in a letter, email, text message, etc. The reply may be given verbally or in writing.

2. A person who is involved in a conversation or is engaged in some work should not be greeted.

3. It is makrooh to make salaam to a person who is engaged in a deeni activity e.g. reciting the Quraan Majeed, making zikr or du‘aa.

4. It is makrooh to make salaam to a person who is engaged in a natural activity e.g. eating.

5. If one agrees to convey salaams to a certain person, it will be necessary to fulfill the responsibility and convey the greeting. Hence, if one is asked to convey salaams but does not wish that the responsibility become necessary, he should merely say, “I will try” or “insha-Allah”.

6. When writing the salaam, one should refrain from using abbreviations such as ‘slmz’. Rather, the salaam should be written out in full. 

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