Hakeemul Ummah Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Sahib رحمه الله has said that many sins are committed on account of overeating. As believers, we have to ensure discipline in our lives;
1. Do not become too accustomed to eating sumptuous meals.
2. Safeguard ourselves from harām or doubtful sustenance.
3. Do not fill the stomach beyond its limit but rather stop when a few more morsels could be taken.
The benefits in implementing these disciplines are:
1. The heart remains pure and one recognises the immense favours of Allah Ta’ala. This then results in one developing a love for Allah Ta’ala.
2. Tenderness remains in the heart one will derive pleasure in Zikrullah & Duaa.
3. One will not attach any importance to oneself.
4. When the rūh (soul) inclines towards rebellion, one immediately remembers the consequences of transgression and the rūh prevents one from sinning.
5. One will develop presence of mind, and be saved from laziness. There will be an urge towards virtuous deeds.
6. There will be mercy in the heart towards those who are weak and starving; and one will develop kindness towards everyone.
(Bahisti Zewar)
Hazrat Moulana Maseehullah Khan Sahib رحمه الله has mentioned in Shariah & Tasawwuf that the intended aim of reducing one’s intake of food is to weaken the animal urge in man; this leads to preventing the nafs from sin. Experience shows that nowadays, the health is compromised due to indulgence in eating whereas if one adopts moderation, a delight will be perceived in ibaadah and one’s health will improve. The habit and temperament of each person differs, therefore moderation will differ for each individual. The simple guideline is to eat when hungry and to stop eating when you feel you can eat a few more morsels. In other words, one is allowed to eat to one’s stomach fill but not to satisfy one’s desire.
May Allah Ta’ala guide us towards moderation and control in our eating habits.
امين يا رب العالمين
Hafez Qaasim Paruk Saab Hafizahullah