Money Matters
1. It is important that the owner of every item in the home be clearly identified and recorded. Exactly what belongs to the husband should be known and exactly what belongs to the wife should likewise be known. If it is not specified and recorded, winding up the estate in the event of one of the spouses passing away will become very difficult and complicated. Nobody will be able to identify the belongings of the deceased partner with certainty.
2. It is not permissible to use the next person’s belongings without their consent and happiness. Failing to specify who the owners of various items are often leads to these items being used without the owner’s permission, thus causing the user to fall into sin.
3. It is important to know that the money which the husband gives to his wife for the running of the home does not belong to her but is rather a trust which should only be used for household expenses. Over and above this, the husband should, on a monthly basis, give his wife some money (based on his income) which she may spend on her personal needs etc.
4. It is advisable for the wife to consult her husband even when spending her personal money. This will increase the unity in their marriage.