After Ramadaan…

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by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh)

The Blessed month of Ramadaan came like seasonal rain and passed by. This rain did not water the plants and crops – it showered upon the hearts of the Believers. …It is sad, but true, that the hearts of the majority of Muslims were stricken with spiritual drought and spiritual decadence. It was a drought caused by excessive indulgence in un-Islamic activities, immoral behaviour, unjust actions, unfair dealings and so forth. …Drought caused by lack of rain destroys crops – drought caused by lack of piety, lack of fear of Allah Ta’ala and lack of Allah Consciousness destroys the SPIRITUALITY of the heart.

Ramadaan’s spiritual rains brought to life the Masaajid and other prayer places. Ramadaan had fanned the dying spark of charity. Ramadaan had awakened the spirit of tolerance, patience and sympathy for the less fortunate.

Now that we come to the end of Ramadaan, the big question is: What to do?

Did we go through all the spiritual exercises in Ramadaan in order that we may have the freedom to indulge, on Eid day, in all types of immoral, shameless and indecent entertainment and amusement?

Did we restrain ourselves from Halaal food, drinks and other pleasures from dawn to sunset throughout Ramadaan, so that we may return with renewed vigour to gambling, drinking, adultery and fornication?

Will the spirit of tolerance, mercy, patience, charity, sympathy and the nurtured quality of piety and Allah-Consciousness be still evident or will these noble qualities be shelved until the dawn of the next Ramadaan?

Will the Masaajid which were filled on most nights in Ramadaan remain the same or will they become empty, wondering where the faithful have gone? Our life-styles after Ramadaan will show whether we used the month to bring about a total reformation within ourselves or whether we wasted the valuable opportunity

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