Leopard Machine
Imagine if your best friend who works in the South African Bank Note Company, which is responsible for printing money, loans you a machine that prints ‘leopard notes’ (R 200.00). This machine is manually operated. All you have to do is slide in a blank sheet of paper, turn the handle and a R 200.00 note ‘pops out’ on the other side. He can only loan you this machine for one month.
What will your response be?
Will you just ignore this rare opportunity and store away the machine or turn it just a few times. Never! Rather, the moment you receive the machine, you will start turning the handle non-stop till the last second of the thirtieth day.
Perhaps you will cut down your three meals to one and some may even prefer wearing adult diapers instead of ‘wasting’ time in going to the toilet. What if the Soccer World Cup had to coincide with those thirty days? Will you ever give preference to watching the matches and following the scores over turning the handle?
And say a friend invites you for a Saturday night stroll in Gateway or a Sunday afternoon drive on the beach front. Your answer will simply be: “Akh! We can delay all of this for some other time. I don’t know whether I will ever get this opportunity again.”
More valuable than this ‘leopard’ printing machine is the blessed month of Ramadhaan where every moment turns out eternal investments for us in the Hereafter.
Let us use every second correctly and ‘mint it’ in these few days. Who knows if we will see another Ramadhaan?