Sunnat method of eating!
Sheikh Abdu of Al-Azhar university in Egypt had visited India. He visited Darul Uloom Deoband as well, and had meals with Hadrat Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri Rahimahullah. He told Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri Rahimahullah, “Why don’t you also eat with the fork and spoon (as the Egyptians generally eat).” Moulana immediately stretched out his hand with his four fingers stretched out and said, “I am eating with a fork!” (As a fork has got 4 throngs, my hand has also got 4 throngs!) He then said, “my fork is better than your fork in 4 ways:”
1.My fork can feel the temperature of the food whilst your fork cannot.
2. My fork can bend and catch hold of the food easily, whilst your fork cannot. I notice how you suffer to get hold of your food.
3. If my fork hits against my teeth or gums I do not feel any real pain, whilst your fork causes you great pain.
4. My fork excretes a fluid after eating which helps with digestion, whilst your fork is unable to do so.
Hadrat Maulana Abdul Hamid Saheb Daamat Barakaatuhum has added three more points to the above,
1.My fork is made by Allah Ta’ala whilst your fork is man-made. If it is made in China, it will most probably break during the course of the first meal.
2. I personally wash my fork before meals (which is sunnat), whilst your fork is washed by somebody else if it is washed.
3. The greatest benefit of all is that my fork is sunnat, whilst your fork is the way of the enemies of Islam, the way of shaytaan.