Mother’s Lap – The First Classroom
Mother of Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmaani (hafizahullah) – Part Two
Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmaani (hafizahullah) writes: “My mother’s lap was not only a cradle, rather it was a vibrant centre of learning and nurturing. She educated me not with books, but with her practical life. Although she was not a graduate of a college, university or madrasah, and had limited home education, she possessed such impeccable character and such a knack of nurturing which is not even found in professional women who hold high qualifications. Patience, contentment, sacrifice, preferring others, and courage were all her second nature. Apart from this, she also taught me the elementary Urdu books, since there were no organized deeni institutes when we moved over to Pakistan.” (Nuqooshe Raftagaa pg. 160)
Lesson: The mother’s lap has generally been the place where all great people were nurtured. Many great luminaries in Islamic history were in fact orphans and were raised single-handed by their mothers. However this is only possible if the mother is focused towards inculcating true values in the child.