Muslims & Concerts ?
“What kind of death is going to overtake us if we are in some kind of haraam act like this when death overtakes us,” emphasized Mufti Bhayat.
Mufti Bhayat reiterates that those that go from other communities are people that don’t believe in Aakhira (hereafter), issues of morality, halaal and haraam. “If they go, that is their matter between them and their creator. They will be answerable for their doings,” added Mufti Bhayat.
He said it is extremely heart breaking to learn that Muslims in large numbers are buying the concert tickets and will be attending the concerts. “Youngsters especially and I believe, leave alone youngsters, but even more tragic and more heart breaking is the fact that many of our young girls, our young daughters will be attending these types of functions, with the support and blessing of their parents, of their families,” added Mufti Bhayat.
Mufti Bhayat highlighted that the Ummah is the architect of their own destiny.