Role Models for the Muslimah – mp3


An inspiring lecture programme on Lessons from the Life of Hazrath Aisha (RA)

Excellence & Virtue/Clothing & Jewellery/Intelligence & Understanding/Knowledge
By: Moulana Ismail Hoosen
Duration: 00:39:27 – Format: MP3 – Size: 36.1 MB
Taqwa/Humillity/Modesty/Contentment/Simplicity/Giving preference to others/Pleasing Allah Ta`ala is the ultimate.
By: Moulana Ilyaas Patel
Duration: 00:41:46 – Format: MP3 – Size: 38.02 MB
NB: Cds are available from Simtech cd productions, Vaids recordings, Musjide Noor tape library & Madrasah Ta`leemuddeen bookshop

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