Allah’s guest to you…

Hadhrat Mufti Taqi Uthmaani Daamat Barkaatuhum writes:

Hadhrat Dr Abdul Hayy Rahmatullahi Alayh used to say that so many times thoughts of good deeds come to mind. For example, one thinks that i want to recite Quraan, do zikr, pray tahajjud, give sadaqah , striving in the path of Allah e.t.c. This thought is called ‘Waarid’ in the terminology of the soofiyaa.


Remember! this thought of a good deed which has come in to your mind is a guest of Allah. If you value it (by acting upon and executing the good deed) the guest will come back and invite you towards another good deed.


If however, it is not valued and treated well then it will not return as it is a guest with great self respect.


Seek the protection of Allah from the time this guest stops coming to you as this will result in the heart becoming hard, dark and rusty.

(Source: Islaahi Khutbaat, Part 16, Page 35 – 36, with slight editions)

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