
Nabi SallAllahu alaihi wa sallam has mentioned in the Hadith that ” Verily,a soul will NEVER leave this world until it has not received the complete sustenance which was destined for it. Therefore,adopt the quality of Taqwa in your life (which is the true ingredient for Barakah) and make a CONCISE effort for sustenance and then place your trust in Allah” ( Do not exert SO MUCH in effort that you neglect Practicing Deen, Spreading Deen and giving valuable time to your family ) .

The Great Imaam Ghazaali Rahimahullah has mentioned-

“What is destined for you will most definitely reach you, even if it be underneath two mountains, and what is not destined for you, will NEVER reach you, even if it be between your two lips!”
May Allah instill this lesson into our lives, Aameen.

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