The Sacrifices in the Life of Hazrath Ebrahim (alaihis salaam) – mp3

The Sacrifices in the Life of Hazrath Ebrahim (alaihis salaam) – mp3


by: Moulana Zahir Karim

Part 1

– Born in the city of Babylon – Loving words of advice to his father – Kicked out of the house –
– Who broke the idols? – Thrown into the blazing fire –
Duration: 00:29:12 – Format: MP3 – Size: 11.9 MB


Part 2

– Debate with Numrood – Migration to Harraan – Diplomatic approach with the star worshipers –
– Hazrat Sarah (alaihassalam) is summoned by the king of Egypt –
Duration: 00:24:42 – Format: MP3 – Size: 9.91 MB


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