A Casual Chat
There was a woman by the name of Hind al-Khus al-Iyadiyyah. She was one of the wealthy woman in the pre Islamic times, well known for her intelligence, wit, eloquence and words of wisdom. Inspite of being a woman of position and honour amongst her people, she commited adultery with her slave boy.
People asked her: “Of all people, what made you commit adultery with your slave boy whereas you are a leading woman of your tribe? Why not with a free person instead?”
So she replied: “The factors which prompted me to commit adultery and that too with a slave, were two, one was “Qurbul Wisaal” (this refers to being close physically, that is they had easy accessibility to each other due to living in the same place). The second factor was “Tulus Sawaad” (which could be translated as “long chats”).
(Risaalatul Mustarshideen – Pg: 177)
These two factors are the highly inflammable ingredients that cause explosion and destruction.
Lesson: Being in privacy with strange woman and casually chatting with them (even if it means chatting with them via any form of technology) may eventually lead one to falling into the most despicable of actions and thereby bringing him/her perpetual disgrace.
Edited from www.alhaadi.org.za