
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaathuhu
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Whatsapp – +27833287867

Some beneficial BBM pins to add –
Al Haadi – Madrasah Taaleemuddeen – Isipingo Beach, Durban , South Africa  – Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saab (D.B)- 
Jamiatul Ulama KZN – 
Sautun Noor Updates – 24 hour online bayaans of our various Ulama & Akaabireen – 
Pin:2273237C / 22D4AFDA
In Defence & Love of the Sahabah (RadhiyAllahu ‘Anhum) –
Beneficial Whatsapp services – 
1) Aaj kaa Sabaq (urdu) , daily naseehat by Hazrat Moulana Yunus Palanpuri Saab (D.B) –
+919867861531 (Ml Abdul Waasi’ Palanpuri)
2) Whatsapp daily naseehat service (English) – 
3) Sautun Noor – +27784278551
Kindly also subscribe to the following mailing lists  – 
 Al-Haadi Mailing List , of Madrasah Ta’aleemuddeen , Isipingo Beach – Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saab (D.B) – 
— Mufti Online Mailing List – You will receive 1 fatwa a day.
 Attablig.Com’s Mailing List –
 Ihyaauddeen Mailing List – Various Islamic Topics 
 Ta’limi Board KZN Mailing List – 
 Ibnu Mas’ood Institute – Thinking the Islamic Way – 
 Uswatul Muslimah – Role Models for the Muslimah – (For the womenfolk)
 Jamiat KZN Daily Newsletter – Send blank e-mail with the subject “Subscribe” –
— Mailing List – Subscribe on site
— Sautun Noor – – Subscribe on Site
 Ibnu Abbaas Youth Academy –
— Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah Mailing List – Subscrine on
JazakAllah Khair, kindly forward to others.
Abu Humza