Nasihah (Advice): Dua at the time of conjugal relations
Sayyiduna Ibn Abbaas Radhiyallahu Anhu reports that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: “If anyone of you, on having conjugal relations with his wife, says: “(O Allah!) Protect me from Shaitaan, and prevent Shaitaan from (harming) the offspring you are going to give me.” and if it happens that a child is conceived, Shaitaan will neither harm it nor be given power over it.” (Bukhari)
Question and Answer:
Q. What is the procedure of burying a still born child? Is Ghusal and Janaazah Salaah necessary for a still born child? Should it be given a name?
A. A still born child should be washed, enshrouded in a piece of cloth and buried. There is no Janaazah Salaah for a still born child. A still born child should also be given a name. (Ahsanul Fataawa 4/216)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
(Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh)
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