Etiquettes for Womenfolk – Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saab (Hafizahullah)

Night majlis – Sunday 23rd Ramadhaan / 20th July

Highlights of Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saheb’s Majlis

1. Allah Ta‘ala discusses several etiquettes of women in the beginning of the 22nd para. The first etiquette is that they should not talk in soft and luring tones. Women are naturally blessed with attraction. Hence it is likely that if they speak in such tones, that strange men may get attracted to them. The second aspect is that they should remain within the confines of their homes. For 20 centuries women lived comfortably within their homes. They did not find the need to venture out. It is only now in the 21st century that they have come with the excuse that what if she is divorced etc., then she will have some form of a support. The third aspect is that women should not expose their beauty as was the case in the former period of ignorance. Prior to Islam, the women would also emerge with their body parts exposed. Presently we are experiencing the latter period of ignorance.

2. Everything looks good in its place. If the followers go ahead of the Imaam in salaah, their salaah will not be accepted. However it was only a matter of them changing their place. Likewise, a woman’s place is inside the home. As long as she remains within the home she preserves her respect and honour. Once she leaves and goes out, she becomes public property. Her respect and dignity is then lost.

3. When you find a pious man then most of the time it is on account of the piety of his mother. She is the one who instils values in the child, moulds him and later allows him to develop and become a pious person.

A music file 23rd_Ramadhaan_Night.mp3 [21.73 MB] [2014-07-22 15:30:50]

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