A Great Opportunity…
All Praises to Allah Ta’ala, E-ISLAM has from a humble beginning grown into an International network that reaches out to hundreds of thousands of both Muslims and Non-Muslim in almost every country of the world. Daily we receive feedback on how our articles touch and change lives.
E-Islam is totally NON-PROFIT. Our only ambition is to please our Creator by providing informative, motivational and educational articles that display Islam in its pristine purity and also helps to educate and uplift the spirit of the Muslim Ummah in general.
We want YOU to be part of the E-Islam Team…
We have a number of projects in mind…
Write for us…
Islam is an all-encompassing Deen (way of life). It includes all aspects of life. So whether YOU are a Sheikh or a Moulana (Scholar of Islam), Muallim, Muallimah, Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, Philosopher, Carpenter, CEO, Home Executive, Teenager, Student, Professor, Sportsperson etc …we need you to write and contribute articles from an Islamic Perspective about life, social relationship, contemporary issues, environment, health, marriage, Greatness of Allah, parenting, science, gardening, etc. In short we request INSPIRATIONAL, EDUCATIONAL AND MOTIVATIONAL ARTICLES that would bring us closer to our Creator and encourage a more Islamic Lifestyle.
Remember that no great artist ever produced a masterpiece by the first stroke the brush… and some of the best and most talented artists remain unknown and oblivious to humanity. In painting this beautiful picture of Islam to humanity we are quite confident that there many a great artists (writers) out there with tremendous potential to INSPIRE HUMANITY.
If you are keen to assist or need more info please send an email to: [email protected] Insha Allah we will send you guidelines and tips on how you can be part of this effort. We need writers as well as sub-editors. If you have previously emailed us about your interest, please do send us a confirmation again.
Everyone has a reflection to share, expertise on a specific topic, or a new idea. We hope, by opening up submissions from guest authors, that we can highlight the work of new, talented writers in our virtual community. If you feel like you have something you can contribute, submit a piece! It’s a great investment as you can possibly reach out to millions worldwide.
We have been receiving many requests to upgrade our websit. Insha Allah with your help we hope to launch a new and more user friendly website soon.
If you have any web development skills, graphic design etc and would like to assist please email: [email protected]
If there is any other way you would like to assist or need more info please email us at [email protected]
All constructive suggestions are most welcome. Please send to: [email protected]
We sincerely hope that for the Pleasure of Allah you would board this ship of E ISLAM and inspire Humanity to sail towards reaching Allah Ta’ala and following the Beautiful Way of The Final Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him).
Allah Ta’ala has gifted each one of us so let’s use this potential to inspire others.
Wishing you well.
Was Salaam
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For general & motivational articles on Islam visit our website: www.eislam.co.za