Virtues and Importance of Dua
Virtues and Importance of Dua
Hazrat Anas (RA) reports that Nabi (peace and blessings upon him) said:
“Dua is the kernel (main part) of worship”
In a nut (e.g. almond) that which is within the shell is the main part and what is really sought by the person who eats it. This is the kernel and it is that which has value. There are various types of ibaadats (forms of worship). The making of Dua and begging for Allah’s favours is also a form of Ibadat. This is not an ordinary Ibadat but, rather, is the core of Ibadat. Dua has been termed as the Core of Ibadat because Ibadat (worship) is a man’s humbling himself in the court of Allah and expressing his own humility, inability’s, meekness and dependence and accepting the greatness and independence of Allah.
In comparison to other forms of worship, in dua the aspect of humility, meekness and dependence upon Almighty Allah is most fervently expressed and in dua the greatness and independence of Almighty Allah is recognised and stressed and hence, dua is the core or kernel of Ibadat. In another Ahadith our Nabi (peace and blessings upon him) has said:
“Whosoever does not ask of Allah, then Allah becomes angry with that person”
Allah becomes angry with such a person because, in expressing his needs, dependence and want of comfort, the person (making such Dua) expresses his belief in the oneness of Almighty Allah as the provider, the fulfiller of one’s needs and the only Being responsible for the destinies of mankind. The act of making Dua then becomes a means of Allah’s pleasure. Thus, any person, for whatever reason (whether out of arrogance, pride or otherwise) avoids making Dua, perhaps because he feels belittled by the experience, earns the wrath and displeasure of Almighty Allah. Our Nabi (peace and blessings upon him) has encouraged us to make dua in the following Ahadith:
“Without doubt (definitely) Dua assists in the removal of those difficulties and hardships which have already descended and Dua also helps in warding off hardships i.e. stops them from coming. Therefore, O! slaves of Allah keep making Dua”.
In other words, for such person who makes Dua and pleads to Allah, Allah removes difficulties that were to befall or had already befallen him.
Sunnats of Dua
1. To ensure that one is in a state of cleanliness.
2. To be in a state of Wudhu.
3. To face towards the Qiblah.
4. To do some good action before making Dua, e.g. giving of charity or reading of namaz or making Zikr.
5. To sit whilst making Dua as one sits in the Tashahhud posture.
6. To raise one’s hands-when making Dua-with a slight gap between them.
7. To first glorify Allah and sing his praises.
8. To recite the Durood.
9. To concentrate exclusively on Allah whilst making Dua and to have the firm belief that only Allah can answer such Dua.
10. To beg and implore Almighty Allah with humility.
11. Whilst making Dua, both the words used and the body posture should be such as to demonstrate total humility, meekness and piety. Ones voice should also be soft.
12. Not to look towards the sky.
13. Not to adopt a singing tone or poetic language.
14. To beg of Almighty Allah, through the support of the Prophets and the pious people.
15. To admit and confess of one’s sins (care should be taken that one does not mention one’s specific sins when making Dua jointly with others. However, one can say in general terms e.g. “O Allah, forgive all our sins, major and minor” etc). However, when making Dua individually, one can recollect one’s past sins and then ask and beg Allah’s forgiveness for each sin specifically.
16. To make Dua from the bottom of one’s heart with the strongest presence of mind and the firm belief that Allah shall accept (such Dua).
17. One can repeat each Dua at least three times.
18. To cry whilst making Dua and if one cannot cry, then one should simulate the act of crying. 19. Not to make Dua for an impossibility.
20. When making Dua for another, firstly Dua should be made for oneself then for others.
21. To use the wording of the Quranic and Ahadith Duas.
22. To turn to Allah in every need, whether big or small, even when in need of something as minor as a shoelace.
23. If an Imam, then Dua should be made in the plural to include the congregation and not in the singular.
24. Before concluding the Dua, to again glorify Allah and to sing his praises, then complete the Dua.
25. To recite Durood and then complete the Dua.
26. To say Ameen.
27. Lastly wipe the hands over the face.
What is meant by Acceptance of Duas
From the Ahadith, we understand that Duas are accepted in one of the following three ways:
(a) The wants (of the person making Dua) are fulfilled in this world.
(b) The Dua is stored as a treasure (for the benefit of the person making it) for the Hereafter.
(c) Difficulty (in proportion to the request made in Dua) is, (by means of the Dua) warded off.
Those persons whose Duas are readily accepted
From the Ahadith, we learn that the Duas of the following persons are more readily accepted:
1. A person who has fasted and makes his Dua at the time of opening their fast.
2. A just ruler.
3. An oppressed person’s Dua (as long as he does not take revenge).
4. A father’s Dua for his child.
5. A traveller’s Dua.
6. A Haji’s Dua (until he reaches his home).
7. A striver in the path of Allah’s Dua until he returns to his home.
8. A sick person’s Dua (whilst he is still languishing in his illness and has not recovered therefrom).
9. A Muslim’s Dua for his fellow Muslim (in the absence of the person in whose favour the Duais made).
10. That person’s Dua who is extremely distressed and desperate.
Those persons whose Duas are not readily accepted
1. Those who eat Haraam food.
NOTE: By Haraam is meant not only pork and alcohol but also those Halaal things which have been obtained in an unlawful manner: whether by theft, fraud, deceit, goods purchased with haraam income, e.g. gambling, interest, etc.
2. Those who wear Haraam apparel.
NOTE: The wearing of Haraam clothes includes such clothing purchased with Haraam wealth and such items of clothing and apparel which are not permitted e.g.
a. Gold, silver, red and yellow clothing for men.
b. Women who dress like men and vice-versa, etc.
3. Those who stop enjoing good and forbidding evil.
Special occasions and times when duas are accepted
1. Duas made during the latter part of the night.
2. Duas made after Fardh prayer.
NOTE: Care should be taken that long Duas are not made after those Fardh Salaah after which follows the Sunnat-e – Muakkadah Salaah.
3. Duas made on a Friday during the following time:
(a) Between As’r and Maghrib Salaah.
(b) Just before Maghrib Salaah.
(c) When the Imam sits between the two Khutbas until Salaam (i.e. conclusion of Salaah).
NOTE: Whilst Khutba is in session, it is prohibited to make Dua with the tongue (one can only make Dua with the heart). It should also be remembered that we make Dua in every Salaah before Salaam.
4. Dua made at the time of Azaan – at the beginning, during and at the conclusion of Azaan.
5. Duas made between Azaan and Iqamat.
6. Duas made at the time of Jihad.
7. Duas made when it is raining.
8. Duas made in the month of Ramadhan.
9. Duas made when a rooster crows.
10. Duas made at the time of Hajj whilst on the plains of Arafat.
11. Duas made at places in Makkah Mukarramah.
(a) Whilst making Tawaaf.
(b) While clinging to the Multazam (that portion of the Kabah which is between the Hajre-Aswad and the door of the Kabah).
(c) Under the Meezaab-e-Rahmat (Meezabe-Rahmat is the spout of the gutter of the Kabah which flows into the Hatim).
(d) Inside the Kabah Shareef. It should be remembered that the Hatim is considered as the interior of the Kabah.
(e) Near the well of Zamzam.
(f) On Mount Safa.
(g) On Mount Marwa.
(h) Between the Mounts Safa and Marwa whilst making Saee.
(i) Behind Maqaam-e-Ibrahim.
(j) In Muzdalifah.
(k) In Mina.
(l) Near each of the three Jamaraats (pelting of the Devil).
(m) At Rukne-Yamani.
(n) Between Rukne-Yamani and Hajre Aswad.
(o) At Dare-Arqam.
(p) At the caves of Thowr and Hira.
Duas are also accepted at the blessed grave of our Prophet (peace and blessings upon him). After reciting Salaat-O- Salaam one should face the Qiblah, raise his hands and make Dua begging Allah for both the needs of this world and hereafter for one’s self and for the entire Ummah of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings upon him).
Sunnats by Mufti E.M.H. Salejee Pages 120-121