5 advices of Hajee Ahmad Nakhooda (D.B)
A local South African brother requested advice from Hajee Ahmed Nakhooda Muhajir Madani دامت بركاته
(Senior Khalifa of Hadhrat Sheikh Moulana Muhammad Zakarriyah Saab Rahmatullaah ‘Alayh – Hajee Saheb resides in Madinah Munawarrah ) regarding the current situation of muslims in South Africa.
Hajee Saheb gave the following five advises :
1. Get rid of the TV.
2. Give Sadaqah in abundance.
3. Have Taalim in the home daily (of Fazaail-e-Aamaal & Fazaail-e-Sadaqaat)
4. Make zikr in the home
5. Join the brothers of the Jamaat for ghush.