
Quote of Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb (Rahmatullahi Alayh)

Inspite of severe suffering, persecution and torture, not a single Sahabi (companion) of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)    nor a single Wali (friend) of Allah Ta’ala, throughout history, ever committed suicide.

Their trials were borne with patience, perseverance and fortitude, which strengthened their Imaan (faith) in Allah Ta’ala.

The large number of suicides which occur everyday in the world presently are due to disbelief or weak faith in Allah Ta’ala. Those who commit suicide think they are going to escape the difficulties, pains and problems of this world, but they will be severely punished for taking their lives. And how will they then escape the pain of punishment for taking their lives?

We should, however, not pass judgement regarding the person who has taken his or her life. Judgement should be left to Allah Ta’ala, for we do not know in what mental state the person was in (e.g. severe depression) to have snapped and committed suicide.

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